The assembly and installation of scaffolding is a critical task in the construction and maintenance of structures. Understanding the procedures for safely assembling and disassembling scaffolding based on the characteristics of the terrain or project is essential. By the end of the course, participants will be equipped to apply scaffolding assembly and inspection techniques in compliance with safety procedures and regulations required by current standards across industries, including construction and mining.
The operation of boom lifts is a fundamental task in various contexts, such as construction, maintenance, and infrastructure repair. By the end of the course, participants will be able to describe the operation of boom lifts, applying operational standards, procedures, and risk prevention techniques.
Heavy Machinery Operation
Heavy machinery operation is a task that requires specific skills and expertise. Operators are responsible for operating heavy machinery in accordance with terrain characteristics, weather conditions, material types, and technical specifications. By the end of the course, participants will be able to identify the features of heavy machinery, understand the functioning of its systems and their interactions, recognize failure symptoms, and operate the equipment following established procedures and manufacturer guidelines.
Boom truck operation course
Crane bridge operation is a critical task in various work environments, such as construction, logistics, and industry. These industrial machines play a vital role in lifting, transporting, and stacking heavy loads. To operate a crane bridge safely and efficiently, it is essential to understand its concepts and master the proper techniques. By the end of the course, participants will be trained to apply efficient and safe crane bridge operation to move or transport loads of various sizes and weights, following national and international standards and procedures. Additionally, they will be able to perform preventive maintenance on the components of a crane bridge.
Rigger Lifting Techniques
La técnica de izaje en rigger es fundamental para garantizar la seguridad y eficiencia en la manipulación de cargas pesadas. Los riggers, también conocidos como aparejadores o señaleros, desempeñan un papel crucial en la industria de la construcción y otras disciplinas afines. Al final del curso los participantes estarán en condiciones de movilizar, apilar, Estibar y Desestibar cargas a través de señas preestablecidas para diferentes tipos de grúas fijas y móviles donde sea necesario la presencia de un Rigger, considerando para ello previamente: Volumen, densidad, capacidad del equipo de levante, elementos de sujeción, momentos del equipo. Sin cometer errores que puedan derivar en accidentes.
Handling of Hazardous Substances (transportation, storage, and handling)
The handling of hazardous substances is a critical task that requires specific precautions to ensure the safety of individuals and the environment. This course is designed for each participant to, through an active-interactive, theoretical-practical methodology, identify, recognize, and apply concepts, characteristics, protocols, procedures, standards, risks, and techniques associated with the handling and manipulation of hazardous substances in various processes. The goal is to promote self-care and prevent the risks of accidents.
Work at Heights – Physical Aspects and Use of Fall Protection Systems (SPDC)
Work at height is an activity performed more than 1.8 meters above ground level. This may include horizontal surfaces such as roofs, scaffolds, and machinery, as well as vertical surfaces like towers, poles, ladders, and facades. By the end of the course, participants will be able to properly use fall protection systems (SPDC); identify fall hazards, how to avoid them, and how to protect themselves in the event of a fall.
Electrical Risk
La seguridad eléctrica es una práctica general de los trabajadores que están expuestos a manipular y mantener equipos eléctricos. Es un conjunto de pautas que siguen para mitigar los riesgos eléctricos y prevenir sus efectos peligrosos en caso de un incidente. Si se incumplen las normas de seguridad eléctrica puede provocar accidentes, cuasi accidentes o incluso muertes. Al finalizar la actividad los participantes serán capaces de tomar las acciones y medidas necesarias para trabajar en un ambiente eléctricamente seguro conforme a norma NFPA-70E, para la seguridad eléctrica en un lugar de trabajo y de acuerdo a lo que estipula el nuevo pliego técnico # 17 de la SEC.